EYFS New Starters

A huge welcome to the new EYFS starters August 2024
(Academic Year 2024/25)


We are so pleased that you have chosen our school for this exciting educational journey and that your child will be joining us in August 2024. The EYFS class teachers are called Mrs York (Koalas) and Mrs Astle (Pandas). We know that this is a very exciting time for children and parents alike and we very much look forward to meeting you all.

This year’s transition model will consist of:

· Week commencing 10th and 17th of June, Mrs York will be conducting home visits to meet the children and parents in their home environment. Letters will come to your home address to confirm the days and times. During this visit, Mrs York will give you information about the EYFS curriculum, school dinners, school uniform and Cool Milk applications etc. She will also try to answer any further questions you may have. Please have your child’s Birth Certificate to hand for your visit

· Week commencing 20th May – Mrs York will be visiting the pre- schools to meet the children in their educational environment and liaise with their key workers.

· On 2nd & 3rd of July, we will be holding a ‘stay and play’ event to give you and your child/children an opportunity to come and look around the class setting, meet the class teachers and familiarise yourself with the school environment. This will comprise of either an AM and PM slot.

· Thursday 29th August, the Children will start school, full time (8:40am-3:10pm).

To assist with your child transitioning into our school, this section of the website contains information that you can share with your child to allow them to become more familiar with their new teacher and the school environment.

We have also attached lots of lovely ideas and activities that have been published by our Multi Academy Trust. These documents also give guidance on how you can support your child in the home learning environment to help with school readiness.

If you do have any further questions, please feel free to make contact with our school office by calling: 01530 243151 or by emailing : office@mercenfeld.bepschools.org

Activities and useful educational websites to support your child’s development

This is a great game to play with your child. Help them to create his/her character, pick a school jumper, then explore the school and complete the different activities as the game takes you through the school day up until home time. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zhtcvk7/articles/znc9vk7


Phonics Video- What is phonics?: https://youtu.be/42jb6PopZCI

Phonics information for parents 

Phonetical pronunciation support: https://youtu.be/jy0ystXuDcs

Introduction to phonics