Information to help you understand the data
Children are assessed at various points throughout their time in school.
At Mercenfeld pupils are assessed:
- at the beginning of the Early Years Foundation Stage(EYFS) , This is called the ‘Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA)
- and end of the Early Years Foundation Stage. This is called the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Profile
- at the end of Year One in phonics. This is called the Yr 1 Phonics Screen
- at the end of Year Four in Multiplication Tables. This is called the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)
- at the end of Year Six, Key Stage Two, in Reading, Writing and Maths
Here are some key information to help you understand each of these assessment – which are statutory and required to be undertaken by the school by the department of Education. (DfE)
The Reception Baseline Assessment is completed within the first 6 weeks of children starting school. This is undertaken by the class teacher one to one with each of the children. It is a short, interactive and practical assessment of children’s early literacy, communication, language and mathematics skills when they begin school. It is not designed to put children under pressure- merely to see their starting points ready for school.
For more information:
The EYFS Profile is the statutory assessment that takes place at the end of the EYFS, during the summer term of the year in which the child reaches five, usually in the reception class.
The EYFS profile summarises and describes children’s attainment at the end of the EYFS. It gives:
- the child’s attainment in relation to the 17 early learning goals (ELG) descriptors
- a short narrative describing the child’s 3 characteristics of effective learning.
Practitioners’ assessments are primarily based on observing a child’s daily activities and events. In particular, practitioners should note the learning that a child demonstrates spontaneously, independently and consistently in a range of contexts. Accurate assessment takes into account a range of perspectives. This should include those of the child, parents and other adults who have significant interactions with the child.
Children are defined as having reached a Good Level of Development (GLD) at the end of the EYFS in the reception year if they have achieved at least the expected level for the ELGs in:
- the prime areas of learning – personal, social and emotional development, physical development, and communication and language
- the specific areas of mathematics and literacy
Year One Phonics Screen
Children in Year One have a phonics screening test. This is usually held in June. The children are asked to read 40 words. Some of these words are real words, some are pseudo or ‘alien’ words. All the words require the children to have good phonics reading skills.
In September 2017 it was confirmed that the KS1 SATs will be made non-statutory (so schools will be able to choose whether to administer them or not) from 2023.
Multiplication Tables Check
This happens when a child is in Yr 4, in June. The purpose is to determine if children can fluently recall their times table up to 12. This is an on -screen check comprising of 25 times tables questions. On average the check should on tak about 5 minutes
Please see information below:
Key Stage 2 SATs
Children take their Key Stage 2 SATs in Yr 6, aged 11. Around the start of May.
These more formal, written tests (in Reading, Maths and Grammar, Punctuiation and Spelling – GPS) are generally 45 minutes long.
The papers are sent away for marking and the results are known before children leave primary school in July. Children are also assessed in writing, but these assessments take place over several pieces of work during the school year.